1 HaberdasHer: Ugly Betty who? My very first pair of glasses

Wednesday 16 April 2014

Ugly Betty who? My very first pair of glasses

After nearly 21 years of priding myself on being the only non-glasses wearer of my entire extended family, I am sad to say that unlike Justin Timberlake, my 20/20 experience is no more.

Whether it be the stress of the coursework, increasing amounts of time spent at the the computer or just the fact that I was too lazy to go to the opticians for years (oops), I found myself with a two week long headache that ended up in the emergency doctors surgery before the final realisation that my right eye was struggling to keep up with my left.

Initially I was pretty sad, because glasses definitely seemed like an expense I could do without. Still, once I realised that I would only need them for reading, I figured it was as good an excuse as any to update my look.

After several rounds of Specsavers, I was feeling pretty despondent. Hipsterlicious Hoxton Wayfarers were far too round for my chubby cheeks, whilst squarer frames left me feeling like I was back in school waiting to do an experiment with a bunsen burner. I wanted something fun, in a light enough shade that they didn't look too heavy on my face, but also sturdy enough that I didn't feel I was spending my money on nothing.

And so I found these bad boys. Heeeelllo French Connection.

Sure, they weren't cheap, but with 25% student discount, I managed to snap these prescription frames up for £74. Specsavers also offer a 2 for £99 deal with means you can get two pairs the same, with clear frames, or as prescription sunglasses. Tempting, but as my taste in sunglasses changes with the season and I really have no need for two pairs of glasses, I figured I was better off saving my pennies.

And so here we have my first speccy instagram selfie! What do you think? 

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