1 HaberdasHer: Christmas in a capsule - getting wardrobe ready for the festive season!

Thursday 10 October 2013

Christmas in a capsule - getting wardrobe ready for the festive season!

If you ask me, you can never be TOO ready for the festive period. I've never been the sort of person who is frantically buying presents in September or counting down the day still Santa's arrival, but I do love dressing for winter and I especially love the guilt free time off work and uni (well, I say guilt free... for three days of the break at least!)

It was this aspect of Christmas I decided to focus on when dotcomgiftshop asked me to take part in their blogger competition. Christmas is so much more than just the day itself... it's the cold nights drawing in, the amazing comforting winter food, the crap telly specials, the warmth between friends and family... yeah, I know I'm beginning to sound like a hallmark card, so I'll stop. But with all the social occasions that the holiday period brings, it's important to have an outfit on hand for every event. Having rummaged through the high street and dotcomgiftshop itself, here is my outfit guide to some of the days that are tradition every December for me. And hey, if you're feeling selfless, they might even give you some gift ideas!

for more amazing stocking fillers and homey Christmas trinkets, visit dotcomgiftshop.com.

What's on your Christmas list?

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