Thursday 13 February 2014

Home Sweet Home: Duvet Days with ASDA

Hi everyone! I've been pretty excited recently because it's that time of year again to start house searching.

Throughout my years at uni I've lived in three different homes. First year it was halls, which lacked personality (and space) but did have the one redeeming factor of having my new uni bestfriend just next door - result! Second year it was a huge house with two of my coursemates, a friend of ours and my not-at-the-time-but-is-now boyfriend. That house was amazing, except for the teeny tiny problem of a mouse infestation. Not ideal. Finally, the one we're in now, is a cosy little number where I live with three boys. It's a great little home, but as we're all graduating, it's time to go our separate ways.

Which leaves me in need of a new space. Boyfy and I were pretty adamant that we wanted to live together, but we thought it'd be fun to go full circle and bring in my bezzie mate from first year to join the party. Here's to many bake offs, girly nights in and excessive wine consumption.

With all of this fun change in mind, it's not only time to start looking for the ideal property, but to start thinking about how to kit the place out. having lived with mostly boys for the past two years, I'm looking forward to having a partner in crime for some girly decor. As I'm planning on working mostly from home upon graduation, we're trying to find a place that is big enough for me to have a spare room office.

If I'm not that lucky, the bedroom will end up being where the magic happens (the freelance kind, not anything else!) That means one thing and one thing only - adorable bedding is in order. Having been sporting the same polka dot covers for the past two years, they're starting to look a little shabby, without the chic. Upon my blogging travels I noticed that quite a few people are mentioning ASDA as to go-to place for home furnishings, and boy, they are not wrong. I've always championed the supermarkets clothing line George, and it seems that they have brought their bedding up to trend to match. 

Here's my top pick of their current bedding range, starting at just £10 for a single and £12 for a double. Please, i'm going to need help to stop me buying them all...

Peach Gingam

Cute Florals

Sewing Ladies (I absolutely love this one!)

Minty Birds

Nautical Stripes

Have you been buying anything for your home recently?

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