Wednesday 3 July 2013

Lust List June 2013: shoes shoes shoes!

Firstly, apologies for the fact that June's lust list is coming a little late, but hey, I'm sure we'll all live! This month, I have been slathering over the humble shoe. As someone who grew up with tootsies that were described by Clarks  fitters as a particularly 'flat and wide' (yeah I know, charming thing to tell a child), shoe shopping was never my favourite thing, as it normally resulted in high expense, ugly boyish fits and long arguments with my mum as she tries to persuade me to try just one more shop in the search of the elusive affordable school shoe. Yeah, that's right, I remember when all the other girls had pretty little ballet pumps whilst I was rocking (or not) some black imitation kickers loafers that could have belonged to a 45 year old business man. Not cool.

Now I'm older, and can shop for fashion rather than school worthy practicality (sorry mum), I find myself coveting the type of thing that Carey Mulligan could have sported quite reasonably in An Education. Geek Chic has been 'in' for quite some time, and whilst I don't tend to worry too hard about trends, I am certainly a sucker for girly, youthful dresses, bright leather and all in all, a look of  sturdy, reliable durability.

In the search for a cheap and cheerful summer 'geek' sandal to wear with socks, I found Topshop to be the place for all things imitation vintage. So without further ado, here are a selection of their beauties. Mummy, if you're reading this, think of the good old times...I'll have a pair of each in a 6 please!

From Top to Bottom

Topshop Martina Geek T Bar Shoes £30.00 (these ones are my absolute faves!)
Topshop Happy Close Strippy Sandals £28.00
Topshop Faze Two Part Trim Sandals £45.00
Topshop Hanna Flatform Sandals £32.00
Topshop Mantle Heavy Sole T Bar Shoes £32.00

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