Sunday 28 April 2013

Bargain Hunting in Huddersfield!

On top of all my uni work and with payday fast approaching, I decided to pop into Huddersfield town a few weeks ago for a bit of bargain hunting. I was armed with £20 and my able assistant Charlotte, who has a certain eye for picking out things that you think are just average, coercing you into buying them and they fast become staples of your wardrobe.

I love a good dress, and today yielded two beauties. First was this pepper grey jersey bodycon from Huddersfield markets best clothing stall, which essentially resells old Topshop stock. I'm a massive sucker for tight dresses with full length arms: I think the fit gives you a confidence of a night out whilst still retaining some class and elegance in the long sleeve.The collar just topped it off, as did the £10 price tag and the smaller-than-i-normally-buy fit. Result! And even better, it's still selling on the topshop website - for £38!

I'm looking forward to experimenting with layers- I saw someone in Huddersfield town centre wearing the dress with a big slubby cardigan over the top which looked really nice. Shall have to give it a go, especially with the near freezing weather outside! Until then, here I am  with my friend Johanna, wearing it at my housemate Will's birthday party -

Second was an even better bargain,courtesy of the British Heart Foundation.There is a million and one charity stores in Huddersfield, most of them full of overpriced tat or things in massive sizes, but today I hit the jackpot with this floral full length dress made by none other than Laura Ashley. Having lusted after LAshley dresses on ebay for months but always seeming to lose out at the last minute, I was amazed to find this beauty in perfect condition at the lowly price of £5 and simply had to buy. With the hem shortened a little or folded over under a belt, I can't wait for the weather to cheer up a little so I can wear it with a hair bow, my denim jacket and DM's. 


What do you think? 

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